Many Things: How to move on from The Secret

Monday, 5 July 2010

How to move on from The Secret

With the amount of information available to most people on the internet nowadays, you would think that the paths to success are laid before you after clicking that search button on google. You could be forgiven for making a few errors on the results you choose to click on because as great as the internet is I don't think anyone would deny that there is a lot of crap out there in cyberspace. Whilst I love nothing more than to find one of these useless time wasting pages and laugh at it, there can be no doubt that many will see it and believe the hype. I would never attempt to associate myself with anything I didn't believe in or I think will work (even though there are many that will), I sometimes find myself drawn by something I wouldn't normally promote or endorse.
After reading the secret I like many were left feeling slightly empty and deflated by the lack of any real answers to my questions or any real direction as to how I can achieve my own individual and personal dreams and not someone else’s. It seems a fantastic concept to merely envision your desires and they will manifest and as I mentioned before seems deceptively simple. But many have been left without their dreams and desires. What has become clear after the explosion of the secret and the law of attraction is that many of the contributors have made it clear that it isn't as simple as what is described in the book. Bob Proctor is probably the most famous and has since offered his forgotten laws, extending the basics of the secret: Click Here!. Also he has written another E-book and E-course entitled 'The science of getting rich', as much as I would love to endorse this product I haven't tried it myself. I'll post a link to it as all of what Bob does is trustworthy and valuable: Click Here!.
Whilst Bob is a good source of knowledge there are a few others who are putting their expansions of this law. Some are rubbish and nothing more than scams designed to part you from your money, but some do have a certain something that stands out. One such product actually caught my eye because of something else I was researching, 'tulpa's'. These are what the Tibetans call thought beings, they are exactly what they sound like. I don't want to bore you with lesson on how they work, but this product uses a similar idea. The product is called 'Reality creation secrets'. Its main thrust is an idea hinted at in the secret but not really expanded on, the idea that reality is merely our own construct. Much like the Matrix movies this would indicate that if something is merely a construct then it can be manipulated. This is definitely worth checking out, even if its only for purely research purposes. Click Here!

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