Many Things: The Secret and all the things in between

Friday 2 July 2010

The Secret and all the things in between

The secret has attracted hundreds if not thousands of loyal followers around the globe since its release. It has an almost hypnotic pull for people, drawing them in with the promise of a more fulfilled life. A life of true love, wealth and general happiness. The way in which it does this is with what the author describes as an age old secret, lost to a generation, but rediscovered and repackaged for the masses of the modern consumer. The method or titled secret is simple in concept, but complex to apply. The ‘law of attraction’ as it’s called is exactly as it appears, if you want something bad enough you will attract it to yourself, as I said very simple in concept. Yet extremely difficult to apply, if your mind wanders and becomes caught in negativity your prize will be lost. The simplest way to explain this would be to say if you have little money and would like some more, if you focus consistently on how much money you don’t have then you will never have the wealth you dream of. Whereas if you are constantly positive being grateful for what you do have then, but focusing on gaining more and the happiness it will bring you, then your dream will come.
This may all seem very simple and easy, but the margin for error is vast. So vast that most people get it wrong, constantly asking for the same thing. This will not achieve anything, ask once and maintain your beliefs and that will be enough. It would appear that the universe is a fickle entity, choosing at will when to give. Which brings about another important point, the time factor in all of this is the unknown quantity. When the universe chooses to give you your dreams and wishes is a matter it alone decides, some argue that conviction in the idea or dream is the guiding factor for timing, but I would tend to believe it not to be the case. The time factor is there so as you are ready to accept things when they arrive and make a hash of them.
The secret is not all hearsay and rumour though it is based in brazen scientific fact. The section of science that you would need to research is quantum physics. This understated and extremely complex section of science is still in its infancy, new theories and concept are created daily from this science, stringent scientists still don’t wholly believe it to be a real science. But don’t fooled by this lack of mainstream backing, the science began with the great Albert Einstein. His theory of relativity set the bench mark for quantum systems of thought. I would definitely recommend doing further research into quantum physics and Einstein’s theory, but the short and sweet concept discovered by Einstein is that we are all constructs of our own consciousness.

Click Here! This link is more for further reading on the secret, matching it in with other esoteric practices.

Click Here! This one is actually written by one of the contributers to the secret Bob Procter.

Click Here! This one delves more into the science aspect of the theory.

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