Many Things: The Science of Abundance

Thursday, 12 August 2010

The Science of Abundance

The secret tells us some of the things we need to do in order to gain some of the things we want, but it doesn’t tell us all of the things we need to do in order to gain all of the things we want. The law of attraction tells us that positive thought brings positive manifestation and vice versa. The Secret reinforces that view but without directing our positivity in any direct or maintainable way. Suffice to say The Secret leaves a lot left out of its pages.
If we focus on the main thing that most of desire, ‘money’ Rhonda Byrne tells us to think big, but also not to focus on what we don’t have and to focus on what we do have or focus on feeling what we should have. In practice this sounds ridiculously simple and easy, but it isn’t. The main problem is that in the modern instant, disposable world we live we find it difficult to take a leap of faith without some form of science to back up our beliefs. You need only to look at the ever increasing depletion of church congregations on a Sunday for proof.
So where do you start to make scientific sense of something that requires your faith and positive thought alone. Well a good start is The Secret itself, inside there are varying contributions from different people, but one that stands out is Bob Proctor. I know I mention him quite a bit but he really is the world’s foremost expert on the ‘Law of Attraction’. What sets Bob apart is his own need to ground the concepts of this universal law into palatable easy to understand and most importantly easy for our brains to comprehend.
So by now you’re probably already thinking but what about the recession or global economic downturn, well I can tell you it doesn’t matter. Think of it this way go back through the times of your life, maybe the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s and honestly ask yourself if at any of those times you have experienced was world or your country not worried and concerned about some financial crisis. At yet still there are rich people and people are getting rich. How is this possible?
Well Bob has done what he does best and come up with a package that gives us a formula for abundance. Not an esoteric quote that you have trouble getting your mind wrapped around. A proper scientific formula that you can utilise to bring you the wealth and riches you deserve. You can find it here:

Click Here!

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