Many Things: September 2010

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The Secret in Reality

Many things have been written regarding the secret, some are even written by the contributors of the original book. But many of them fail to engage their audience any more than the original book and when I say engage the audience I mean reveal any further revelations than the original. Many people read the secret and attempted to practice what was inside, which was great but like an unfinished film it doesn’t really work or even make sense. Imagine reading a detective story getting to a pivotal plot twist, turning the page and are greeted by nothing more than blank empty pages. I know for a fact that I would be pretty annoyed and you need only to trawl the internet to see how annoyed people are about the apparent unfinished nature of the secret.
The worst thing about this attitude is the fact that many now call the secret or law of attraction a scam or snake oil and believe me it’s not. Have you ever wondered how someone who is wealthy and suddenly loses all his money, business. His life flushed down the toilet in the blink of an eye can somehow still manage in a short time to regain most of his previous wealth. At first I always used to think that it was because they have wealthy contacts whom help them, but if you really think about it say your friend went out of business and wanted to borrow a substantial amount of money. Would you lend it? Because I know I would think twice before handing it over. So what is it about these people?
It seems to work on everything, for instance I bet everyone reading this has that friend who is good with the ladies or guys. I bet they are no better looking than you, don’t have more money than you and are at times quite obnoxious. So how do they do it? Whether they know it or not they are using the law of attraction to its maximum potential. How they maximise this potential is another thing.
Whereas the secret offered a stripped down, general version of the law of attraction other publications offer a fuller more involved version. The universal life secret offers this more fleshed out version covering how to attract women or men, wealth and much more. Not only does it offer the fleshy version, it also offers more concise instructions on how to utilise this amazing loophole in the contract of life. You can find out more here:
Click Here!

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Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Thinking Successfully

Thinking successfully isn’t just a case of sitting on your toilet or whatever epiphany chamber you use and straining your mind to see yourself as successful. The Secret promised this and more, but if we are all honest with ourselves this would take a lot of effort to achieve. I’m not saying it wouldn’t work, but as I said requires quite a substantial effort as The Secret relies heavily on faith. There is no question that thoughts or ideas do have substance or can affect matter. On September the 11th 2001 the world watch as thousands of people were slain by an unforgivable act of violence, the interesting thing is that at the moment the second plane entered the second tower random number generators around the world stopped giving out random numbers. The collective feeling of grief actually affected the world in a physical way.
The Secret as a theory is fine but when combined with science becomes a king maker. What science can you combine with The Secret though? Well that’s easy if you think about it, the book utilises the human mind and its potential, so the most obvious science would be psychology. The study of the brain or mind has been the hot topic since Freud came up with his mother theory. How we view our own minds is important though and does take us back to The Secret. If you view your mind as an organ of restriction then we fail, whereas if we view it as what it truly is an organ of infinite possibilities then we are well on the road to understanding the mysteries of life.
If you have trouble grasping the idea of own mind being filled with infinite possibilities, as I did, try to remember that your mind or brain only ever uses about 50% at any one time and people like Einstein used about 60%. Does that change your perspective slightly? So imagine if someone gave the tools to unlock some more of your brain’s power. What could you do with that power, remember the phrase, ‘In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king’. By unlocking more your brains potential you can be the one eyed man. If you still don’t believe me, try writing something. Go away and think for 30 minutes about a subject, let you mind wander and then pick something out and focus on it. Once you have done that get a pen and a piece of paper or a computer and write a 400 word article informing people about your chosen topic.
When you finished you have just done something I thought I could never ever do, write, yet here you are reading my article! There are a few packages on the internet offering to unlock that hidden potential in your brain, but Chris D’Cruz offers one of the best. You can find it here:
Click Here!

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Friday, 10 September 2010

The Lost Wisdom

The lost wisdom is something that has been fought over by many generations, by many different nations and by many different religions. Consequential it has been pursued by many men who have usually discovered their own mortality or been driven mad before finding it.
If your not familiar with what this elusive and shadowy idea is then it is easily and briefly explained as the pinnacle of human achievement, thousand’s of years of knowledge and wisdom compounded into a simple and concise explanation. Explaining where we came from, where we are going, where our place is in the universe etc... You can look at it as a unifying religion encompassing ideas from all of the worlds religions into one, somewhat like Madame Blavatsky and her theosophical society.
This concept has even made it into modern culture through the book 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown, with the main character chasing around Washington DC trying to discover the hidden wisdom. Going back even further to the adventurer Marco Polo, who after his return from the East and the Kublai Khan gave this quote on his deathbed, 'For I did not tell all I saw, as I feared I would not be believed'. So just what was it Marco Polo saw or discovered that he feared others wouldn't believe tale.
'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne alludes to this hidden wisdom, but does just that 'alludes'. It never really whole-heartedly gives it or releases it. There have been many publications since then that range from furthering the mystery in the book, to trying to uncover it fully. My own theory on the subject is that the secret knowledge is already known to us, locked away somewhere in our psyche waiting to be discovered.
EFT is fast becoming a natural tool to unlock this collective wisdom in us. Its kind of a dry acupuncture used to quell phobias, beat addictions and various other conditions. But its true treasure lies in the ability to unlock more and more of your own potential with its application. I wouldn't presume to tell you that this is the panacea you have been waiting for, but my own experience with EFT is that it can definitely aid you in any aspect of your life, career, love, money etc...
You can find out more here:

Click Here!

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