The Lost Wisdom
The lost wisdom is something that has been fought over by many generations, by many different nations and by many different religions. Consequential it has been pursued by many men who have usually discovered their own mortality or been driven mad before finding it.
If your not familiar with what this elusive and shadowy idea is then it is easily and briefly explained as the pinnacle of human achievement, thousand’s of years of knowledge and wisdom compounded into a simple and concise explanation. Explaining where we came from, where we are going, where our place is in the universe etc... You can look at it as a unifying religion encompassing ideas from all of the worlds religions into one, somewhat like Madame Blavatsky and her theosophical society.
This concept has even made it into modern culture through the book 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown, with the main character chasing around Washington DC trying to discover the hidden wisdom. Going back even further to the adventurer Marco Polo, who after his return from the East and the Kublai Khan gave this quote on his deathbed, 'For I did not tell all I saw, as I feared I would not be believed'. So just what was it Marco Polo saw or discovered that he feared others wouldn't believe tale.
'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne alludes to this hidden wisdom, but does just that 'alludes'. It never really whole-heartedly gives it or releases it. There have been many publications since then that range from furthering the mystery in the book, to trying to uncover it fully. My own theory on the subject is that the secret knowledge is already known to us, locked away somewhere in our psyche waiting to be discovered.
EFT is fast becoming a natural tool to unlock this collective wisdom in us. Its kind of a dry acupuncture used to quell phobias, beat addictions and various other conditions. But its true treasure lies in the ability to unlock more and more of your own potential with its application. I wouldn't presume to tell you that this is the panacea you have been waiting for, but my own experience with EFT is that it can definitely aid you in any aspect of your life, career, love, money etc...
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Labels: acupuncture, culmination, dan brown, EFT, hidden, knowledge, Lost symbol, madame blavatsky, marco polo, religion, secret, theosophical, wisdom
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