Many Things: Subliminal Attraction

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Subliminal Attraction

What is subliminal attraction? You might well be forgiven for thinking not another of these silly products attached to that bloody book ‘The Secret’! And in some ways you would be right. The law of attraction teaches to consistently think positive things even when the odds are insurmountable against us. If we keep thinking these positive things then we have all we desire, in some cases even more than you originally desired.
The main issue people have with this idea is ‘How can I remain positive when everything I do never works or everything around me is collapsing’. It’s a fair point, but it is also the main reason this concept fails most people. They cannot comprehend the idea of staying positive when all seems lost. Which is why a lot of people go into the Secret with an open mind, but end up even more disheartened than before. This leads to people rubbishing the concept and exclaiming ‘how it doesn’t work’. When in fact it is our own thoughts that cause the problem.
Believe me when I say I thought the ideas in the Secret were nonsense as well but after some time of experimenting I can say that giving up to quickly is the biggest cause of failure. So what if you could use a secondary tool to aid you and what if that tool was grounded in hard science. You have probably heard of subliminal advertising or messaging, even if you didn’t know about it! The idea of subliminal messaging is that the message gets sent straight to the sub-conscious part of the brain. Say for instance that you were watching a commercial for a fast food restaurant and in the advert they supplant the idea of you buying a bunch of flowers, the flowers part of the message gets shoved back into the sub-conscious, but you will at some point go and buy some flowers.
There is no question that in the wrong hands this dangerous, which is probably why governments have funded millions into research in the past. What if you could utilise this science to give you the positive thoughts that are needed to extract the most out of the Secret. It seems like the perfect relationship. Well someone else thought so to and constructed a software system around this very idea. His name is Dino F. Ruales and you can find the programs here:

Click Here!

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