Many Things: July 2010

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

How to increase your chances of winning the lottery

Winning the lottery is every persons dream, all around the world. We usually at one point or another throughout an average day find ourselves day dreaming about how we would spend the money. A new car, fancy house, paying off all our debts and an extended holiday some where exotic. But the reality is very few people actually achieve this dream, mostly owing to almost astronomical odds, ----. Although unlike Derren Browns stunt on television there is no way to guarantee a win.
What we can do through careful mathematics and group playing is narrow down our odds considerably. One the simplest theories is called delta theory, it by allowing you to only select from 15 numbers. You select your numbers from 1 to 15 in any order, then you take your first number this will be the first number you play. Then you add the next number to it and continue to do this for all your numbers, here is an example: 3, 7, 2, 11, 5, 9 are your selected numbers. You start with 3, then add 7. giving 3, 10, add 2 to 10 giving 3, 10, 12. You continue this through for all numbers.
Another method involves multi-person syndicate you may have heard about doing one of these at work, but there are global syndicates available to join over the internet. The main drawback to this is that when win comes it is almost always split between many people and how often do you hear of a global syndicate winning the lottery!
Wheeling is clear and concise method for playing the lottery, it involves the selection of a set amount of numbers ranging from 7 right up to all 49. After this selection is made you then systematically spit the numbers up into groups. To understand the method in full it would be advised to purchase a guide or e-book. You can do so here Click Here!.
Ken Silver also offers a slight alternative to wheeling Click Here!. I would definitely recommend wheeling a viable method to win back some that money lost on dead tickets over the years, although not even I would promise you utter success you can some cracking amounts.
You can of course always fall back on lady luck, but lets be honest she's such a fickle mistress. If you can why not narrow down the amount of luck needed!

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Monday, 12 July 2010

How to affiliate using articles

Article writing can be a difficult chore for an expert to undertake so imagine an amateur trying to take up the mantle. The internet is a place filled with 'How to' and advice articles on everything from business to walking your dog. So how does an amateur break into this word and make a name for himself. Well you could start by testing the waters, find a subject you know bit about and write an article about it. It doesn't have to be a long and drawn out description about how you go about putting seeds the right way up in a pot, just a simple 400-500 word article. Keep it short and informative. After this hand it to the most honest friend you have, they have to be honest to critic your work. Follow their advice, after all its people like them you are targeting, make the changes and submit to one of the many article submission sites, such as, E-zine, Articlebase or Amazines. There you go one completed article, if you feel you are a confident writer you can skip the first part and go straight to submission.
You're probably thinking what's the point in doing this? and after checking out the numerous article sites on the net, why are so many people doing it? People write and submit these articles for a multitude of reasons, some do it for giving others the gift of their knowledge, some do it to try and garner the attention of a employer who needs someone to write good articles, but there can be no question that the most overriding factor for writing these articles is money. Before you start to get money signs flashing around your eyes, you don't get paid per article submitted, most of these sites are free to join therefore free submissions. The way most make money is by affiliation, you have probably already seen it and didn't realise it!
Affiliation is exactly what it means, to promote something by affiliation. Think of it this way if you were writing an article about a fantastic book you read about beating the casino, why not add a link to the book so people can buy it. Best thing is when they read your stunning article and are ready to look into your idea, there you are with a fresh and juicy hoplink for the book or product. And before you start thinking 'well my expertise is building models, how can I sell any book or products about that' don't join clickbank and have a look at the marketplace, there is a category for every think imaginable.
Charlie Page was one of the first to really exploit this money making opportunity over ten years ago, so if anyone can help you he can. His book can't write the article and submit it for you, but it will show you the most important tool you will need to know, how to drive traffic to your article. His book has now gone into its second cycle or 2.0 as he calls it, this book should be like an affiliates bible, it will serve you through the next ten years of your article writing and affiliate lifestyle. You can get it here:

Click Here!

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Monday, 5 July 2010

How to move on from The Secret

With the amount of information available to most people on the internet nowadays, you would think that the paths to success are laid before you after clicking that search button on google. You could be forgiven for making a few errors on the results you choose to click on because as great as the internet is I don't think anyone would deny that there is a lot of crap out there in cyberspace. Whilst I love nothing more than to find one of these useless time wasting pages and laugh at it, there can be no doubt that many will see it and believe the hype. I would never attempt to associate myself with anything I didn't believe in or I think will work (even though there are many that will), I sometimes find myself drawn by something I wouldn't normally promote or endorse.
After reading the secret I like many were left feeling slightly empty and deflated by the lack of any real answers to my questions or any real direction as to how I can achieve my own individual and personal dreams and not someone else’s. It seems a fantastic concept to merely envision your desires and they will manifest and as I mentioned before seems deceptively simple. But many have been left without their dreams and desires. What has become clear after the explosion of the secret and the law of attraction is that many of the contributors have made it clear that it isn't as simple as what is described in the book. Bob Proctor is probably the most famous and has since offered his forgotten laws, extending the basics of the secret: Click Here!. Also he has written another E-book and E-course entitled 'The science of getting rich', as much as I would love to endorse this product I haven't tried it myself. I'll post a link to it as all of what Bob does is trustworthy and valuable: Click Here!.
Whilst Bob is a good source of knowledge there are a few others who are putting their expansions of this law. Some are rubbish and nothing more than scams designed to part you from your money, but some do have a certain something that stands out. One such product actually caught my eye because of something else I was researching, 'tulpa's'. These are what the Tibetans call thought beings, they are exactly what they sound like. I don't want to bore you with lesson on how they work, but this product uses a similar idea. The product is called 'Reality creation secrets'. Its main thrust is an idea hinted at in the secret but not really expanded on, the idea that reality is merely our own construct. Much like the Matrix movies this would indicate that if something is merely a construct then it can be manipulated. This is definitely worth checking out, even if its only for purely research purposes. Click Here!

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Friday, 2 July 2010

The Secret and all the things in between

The secret has attracted hundreds if not thousands of loyal followers around the globe since its release. It has an almost hypnotic pull for people, drawing them in with the promise of a more fulfilled life. A life of true love, wealth and general happiness. The way in which it does this is with what the author describes as an age old secret, lost to a generation, but rediscovered and repackaged for the masses of the modern consumer. The method or titled secret is simple in concept, but complex to apply. The ‘law of attraction’ as it’s called is exactly as it appears, if you want something bad enough you will attract it to yourself, as I said very simple in concept. Yet extremely difficult to apply, if your mind wanders and becomes caught in negativity your prize will be lost. The simplest way to explain this would be to say if you have little money and would like some more, if you focus consistently on how much money you don’t have then you will never have the wealth you dream of. Whereas if you are constantly positive being grateful for what you do have then, but focusing on gaining more and the happiness it will bring you, then your dream will come.
This may all seem very simple and easy, but the margin for error is vast. So vast that most people get it wrong, constantly asking for the same thing. This will not achieve anything, ask once and maintain your beliefs and that will be enough. It would appear that the universe is a fickle entity, choosing at will when to give. Which brings about another important point, the time factor in all of this is the unknown quantity. When the universe chooses to give you your dreams and wishes is a matter it alone decides, some argue that conviction in the idea or dream is the guiding factor for timing, but I would tend to believe it not to be the case. The time factor is there so as you are ready to accept things when they arrive and make a hash of them.
The secret is not all hearsay and rumour though it is based in brazen scientific fact. The section of science that you would need to research is quantum physics. This understated and extremely complex section of science is still in its infancy, new theories and concept are created daily from this science, stringent scientists still don’t wholly believe it to be a real science. But don’t fooled by this lack of mainstream backing, the science began with the great Albert Einstein. His theory of relativity set the bench mark for quantum systems of thought. I would definitely recommend doing further research into quantum physics and Einstein’s theory, but the short and sweet concept discovered by Einstein is that we are all constructs of our own consciousness.

Click Here! This link is more for further reading on the secret, matching it in with other esoteric practices.

Click Here! This one is actually written by one of the contributers to the secret Bob Procter.

Click Here! This one delves more into the science aspect of the theory.

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