Many Things: August 2010

Friday, 20 August 2010

Does the Secret work?

Many people have come away from the secret feeling short changed or cheated. The main reason for this is that book whilst very good in outlining the bare bones basics of the concept, doesn't really go into that much detail. It leaves a lot of information out and ends up promising a lot but actually giving very little away. If you read the book though this is exactly what it promises not to do. Promising to make you the reader one of the small percentage of wealthy, loved and truly happy people in the world. Personally I don't think you need all those things to be happy, but they would certainly help!

I think though that the Secret does work, in fact I know it does. If it didn't I wouldn't have the confidence to be writing this now. The main problem is that the Secret doesn't just work on its own, it needs more than what is given. To say that focus and positivity is all that's needed is a false and slightly misguided statement. There are many different products on the internet that promise to help you in your search for the truth behind the book, but unfortunately some of these again are false and merely want to part you from your money.

So how can you find a good one? Well the best way to do this is to research the theory offered by the product if it has some basis in science then it is likely a good choice. For instance there is the psychological theory of EFT. EFT is the theory of tapping certain points on the body to achieve different and varying effects. It has roots in acupuncture, which western medicine is quickly recognizing as real science with real medical benefits. The tapping of the different is done by yourself for a few minutes a day.

The principle theory is that you can associate good things by tapping the positive parts and get rid of negative stuff by tapping the corresponding part. Whilst this on its own won't be an effective tool, but when use in conjunction the possibilities become endless. The theories in the Secret combined with this would be a very effective combination. Dr Joe Vitale and Brad Yates have already done the hard work for and combined the two systems together. Take a look at their theory here:

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11 Laws of the Secret

If you have read the Secret then you probably know all about the law of attraction and how to attract all of the things you want from it. The book does a great job of promising things will come to you if you just have a little faith in yourself and retaining a positive outlook. If you keep smiling and focusing on the thing you want even when you are at your lowest point then it will come. Whilst this is perfectly correct in principle and is a part of the law of attraction, it is only a very basic outline. Similar to reading the synopsis on the back of a book and thinking that you have read the book.

The law stated in the Secret is just one law nothing more nothing less, but the true law of attraction is made up of many intricate and inter weaving laws. When they are put all together they make up the real and true law of attraction. Which is why so many people, myself included, walked away from the Secret with our hopes lifted and belief that our dreams could be realised. What we ended up with was half the story, which when we tried to implement didn't work turning us quickly into disbelievers.

One of the biggest grudges most have about the Secret is the vagueness in terms of time. According to the book you can focus on the same thing for many years without any joy, 'because the universe doesn't work on same time scale'. When you look at this concept objectively you end up with something like this, 'Okay, so I can have what I want if I keep smiling and focusing on it, but I might be ninety-nine when I get it?'. Sounds stupid and a bit unfair. But when you look at just the Secret and nothing else this is what you get.

Bob Proctor one of the main contributors to the Secret was some what annoyed at the final publications of the book and accompanying DVD, so he took matters into his own hands. He came up with the 'Forgotten Laws'. These act as a booster for the Secret, they delve more deeply into the ideas giving you a fuller more rounded picture of how to make your dreams become real. They also get rid of most of the vagueness surrounding time and teach you how to have some influence over the timing of your manifesting. You can find it here:

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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

How to remember the 'Forgotten Laws'

Bob Proctor was one of the main contributors to Rhonda Byrne's 'The Secret'. His snippets in the book were probably some of the most important. Rather than really on the spiritual side of the concept, Bob Proctor used a more scientific approach. Such as 'Why do you think that 1 percent of the population earns around 96 percent of all the money that's being earned? Do you think that's an accident?', Bob Proctor. His voice in the book lends itself to a sceptical layman and how they would feel at being explained this strange yet alluring piece of literature.

In current times the 'Law of Attraction' is perhaps more needed than ever, but also probably not particularly believed in. The economic downturn has effected everyone in one way or another. So its understandable that people would be reluctant to believe in a theory that promises them an abundance of their desires, especially wealth. The instructions outlined in 'The Secret' are good but unfortunately many feel that they weren't quite enough or weren't as detailed as they could have been. Bob Proctor has rectified that with his own literature.

He has written a publication entitled 'The Forgotten Laws'. His version isn't the watered down version that the DVD or book was, but a much more detailed and fleshed out version. He uses various different laws that amalgamate into one law, the 'Law of Attraction'. When these laws are read and learnt they make the transition into an expert abundance attractor smooth and easy. You will begin to realise just how much affect your outlook has on the world around you. Bob Proctor makes this transition with his trademark easy to understand language.

To be exact there are 11 forgotten laws. These are recorded on an audio disc and transcripted in a book. Bob's theory is that you can learn these laws in just one hour a day, you can do it in your lunch break or just before you go to sleep. You can find it here:

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Sunday, 15 August 2010

How to learn anything in 5 minutes

Wouldn't it be great if you could learn anything after spending just 5minutes to learn certain techniques. You could increase the size and working ability of your memory and have a large fountain of knowledge and facts to recall from. You could read a book in half the time it takes the average person. The possibilities are almost endless.
The best thing is it doesn't matter your age, young or old, your education level, didn't get on at school or didn't finish school. In fact if you are currently at school and perhaps sitting exams this would be a great tool. All of those sleepless nights spent revising will be no more, just a couple of hours a day and you will be better prepared than your peers.
Speed reading is a major key skill in this process. If your not sure is a collection of ideas on how people read things quicker than normal. The processes people generally use involve missing out parts, not reading the whole word, just picking out familiar letters. All of these techniques contribute to the overall concept of speed reading. Whilst this outlines the processes it doesn't delve too deeply into it. If you can master the technique your find other things falling into place, but to get it all to stick in and stay in you will need to increase the size and potency of your memory.
To improve your memory the doctors say that good nutrition and stress reduction are the main components, but I beg to differ slightly. I wouldn't presume to say that the doctors are wrong but I tend to believe that the brain is more like a muscle and needs attention to keep functioning in top condition. It has been proven that when Alzheimer's is detected early and sufferer does one crossword or some other brain teaser, it can actually slow the progress of the disease.
Warren Banks has come up with a package that puts all these things into one simple bite. His package includes teaching speed reading, teaching memory boosting techniques and various other little nuances. The best thing about it is it only takes you five minutes to ten minutes a day. It uses clever games and exercises to teach you what you need, so its never boring! You can find it here:

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The Secret of The Secret

The Secret was a great publication using many different practitioners to emphasise the overall idea of the ‘Law of Attraction’. The idea of book is push the concept of manifesting your desire or bending the universe to your will. The gives you the idea, then gives you some science and finally brief set of tools for the job. It’s no surprise that because of the brief alluding to these tools that many excited and optimistic people walk away from the secret unhappy. They give it go but ultimately nothing changes and they end up giving up, believing it to be another crackpot, useless theory.

So how can we change that idea in people and truly get them to believe in the ‘Law of Attraction’ and all the life gifts that come with it? You can start by perhaps doing a little more research into the concept or the people who contributed to the book, but I think the very best way in this modern world is to ground the ideas in the book into hard, yet understandable scientific fact. To do this you need a scientist who understands the principles of the secret.

The kind of scientist I’m referring to comes from Einstein’s field, quantum physics. Even Einstein himself was a purveyor of the ‘Law of Attraction’. To quote Einstein himself, ‘Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one’. Think about this if reality is an illusion then we all have the power to bend it to our own will. Surely if one of the greatest minds in modern history said it, it must be true. The theory of quantum physics is one Einstein’s gift’s to the world, without getting into the complex nuances of the quantum theory it basically breaks everything down to a sub-atomic level, where the possibilities become endless.

Dr. Eric. Amidi is one such physicist, he was also disappointed by the lack of real explanation in The Secret. His disappointment came from his own knowledge on this subject through his science, he says that by combining the open ideas in the book with irrefutable science then you can truly master the ‘Law of Attraction’. You can find his publication here:

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Affiliate Article Marketing

I sure that if you searched for making money on the internet or article marketing then you have come across numerous offers of products on how to do this. Some promising you how to further purchase the right keywords for your articles. Some offering that elusive element that separates the big boys from the little men. Some even offering you a program which will write the article for you. Whilst I wouldn’t presume to say that all of these are snake oil salesmen I think it’s fair to say that some are. I’ve no doubt that the program for writing articles does exactly what it says it does, but I would argue that I think personal experience and a naturally written article speaks for itself.

So how can you market a product using articles and more importantly how can you make money from it? Well first you need to sign up to an affiliate marketplace, just Google search ‘affiliate marketplace’ and you will find all you need. Then you need to choose a product. Once the product is chosen it’s generally a good idea to purchase it or at least try out its theory, there is nothing worse than someone writing about something they have never used. Then submit your article to an article database, again just Google search the term. Providing its good enough the piece will be accepted and available for anyone to view.

The mystery that most people have trouble with is traffic or how do I make my article the most popular? This truly is the holy grail of any marketing venture. Some people will use purchased target words, these words will then feed the article on a pay per click basis. Yes this method cost’s money and being honest I have personally always been slightly sceptical of this method, I have yet to meet or see someone who has showed me that the cost of their target words is in line with their income. You could use a SEO or ‘search engine optimisation’ program or site, again some of these cost money and you really need to know what you are doing or you gain any of the benefits. I have no clue how SEO works so I wouldn’t presume to tell you how, but if you really know your way around the internet it’s definitely worth looking into.

For all those that don’t know the internet that well, myself included, Travis Sago has the perfect solution. He has constructed a fantastic software package that shows you all of the above and best of all he shows you how to it for free! You can find it here:

Click Here!

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Thursday, 12 August 2010

Subliminal Attraction

What is subliminal attraction? You might well be forgiven for thinking not another of these silly products attached to that bloody book ‘The Secret’! And in some ways you would be right. The law of attraction teaches to consistently think positive things even when the odds are insurmountable against us. If we keep thinking these positive things then we have all we desire, in some cases even more than you originally desired.
The main issue people have with this idea is ‘How can I remain positive when everything I do never works or everything around me is collapsing’. It’s a fair point, but it is also the main reason this concept fails most people. They cannot comprehend the idea of staying positive when all seems lost. Which is why a lot of people go into the Secret with an open mind, but end up even more disheartened than before. This leads to people rubbishing the concept and exclaiming ‘how it doesn’t work’. When in fact it is our own thoughts that cause the problem.
Believe me when I say I thought the ideas in the Secret were nonsense as well but after some time of experimenting I can say that giving up to quickly is the biggest cause of failure. So what if you could use a secondary tool to aid you and what if that tool was grounded in hard science. You have probably heard of subliminal advertising or messaging, even if you didn’t know about it! The idea of subliminal messaging is that the message gets sent straight to the sub-conscious part of the brain. Say for instance that you were watching a commercial for a fast food restaurant and in the advert they supplant the idea of you buying a bunch of flowers, the flowers part of the message gets shoved back into the sub-conscious, but you will at some point go and buy some flowers.
There is no question that in the wrong hands this dangerous, which is probably why governments have funded millions into research in the past. What if you could utilise this science to give you the positive thoughts that are needed to extract the most out of the Secret. It seems like the perfect relationship. Well someone else thought so to and constructed a software system around this very idea. His name is Dino F. Ruales and you can find the programs here:

Click Here!

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The Science of Abundance

The secret tells us some of the things we need to do in order to gain some of the things we want, but it doesn’t tell us all of the things we need to do in order to gain all of the things we want. The law of attraction tells us that positive thought brings positive manifestation and vice versa. The Secret reinforces that view but without directing our positivity in any direct or maintainable way. Suffice to say The Secret leaves a lot left out of its pages.
If we focus on the main thing that most of desire, ‘money’ Rhonda Byrne tells us to think big, but also not to focus on what we don’t have and to focus on what we do have or focus on feeling what we should have. In practice this sounds ridiculously simple and easy, but it isn’t. The main problem is that in the modern instant, disposable world we live we find it difficult to take a leap of faith without some form of science to back up our beliefs. You need only to look at the ever increasing depletion of church congregations on a Sunday for proof.
So where do you start to make scientific sense of something that requires your faith and positive thought alone. Well a good start is The Secret itself, inside there are varying contributions from different people, but one that stands out is Bob Proctor. I know I mention him quite a bit but he really is the world’s foremost expert on the ‘Law of Attraction’. What sets Bob apart is his own need to ground the concepts of this universal law into palatable easy to understand and most importantly easy for our brains to comprehend.
So by now you’re probably already thinking but what about the recession or global economic downturn, well I can tell you it doesn’t matter. Think of it this way go back through the times of your life, maybe the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s and honestly ask yourself if at any of those times you have experienced was world or your country not worried and concerned about some financial crisis. At yet still there are rich people and people are getting rich. How is this possible?
Well Bob has done what he does best and come up with a package that gives us a formula for abundance. Not an esoteric quote that you have trouble getting your mind wrapped around. A proper scientific formula that you can utilise to bring you the wealth and riches you deserve. You can find it here:

Click Here!

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Thursday, 5 August 2010

The money taps of life!

What are the money taps of life, I hear you cry. Are they little faucet's you switch on when your funds are running a little low. Are they the thing that banks use to transfer coins. No they are neither of these things, but what they are is something quite special.
The Secret gave us a general look at a system which promises wealth, love and general prosperity. What the taps offer is a more specific, in particular a system design to maximise your wealth. Each of these taps lasts about 3 seconds, with there being 9 taps that makes for around 217 combinations. To make this work though you will only need one! Just imagine a tap you can utilise for less than 30 seconds in total and exponentially increase you income. What a beautiful thought! Sound too good to be true right? As kooky as this sounds believe me it will have an effect on your life.
This isn't some random idea that someone is trying to sell to unsuspecting people as snake oil. Its based in solid fact and research. EFT is the technical term for it, emotional freedom technique. Its a relatively new concept in psychotherapy, you may have seen people using it on flights, they are the ones tapping their temples or tapping their fingers on the outside of their thumb. No they aren't mental, they are tapping their acupuncture points whilst focusing on their traumatic experience, thereby placating the experience.
It was first discovered in about 1993 by Gary Craig. It has many positive critics in the field of psychotherapy, so it is far from being snake oil. The way the tapping works for money is by tapping the points on the body that promote wealth. In acupuncture there is nine of these giving 217 combinations as I said earlier, but this by no means an easy thing to learn and takes an expert to show you the points and direct your thoughts. When you tap these points you are directly affecting the bodies energy field, which cannot be denied by even the staunchest sceptics as existing. If you get this wrong you could upset a keen balance. Which is why its best to seek advice on the subject first. There are many out there who will claim to know these points and know how to manipulating them, but be aware that misuse of this will possibly have negative effects. The best proponents of this practice are Dr. Joe Vitale and Brad Yates, they have created a system to help you achieve the maximum results from this technique. You can find it here:

Click Here!

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Sunday, 1 August 2010

The Secret is getting a sequel!

You like most others in the word have probably read the Secret by Rhonda Byrne and felt inspired. The Secret is an almost overwhelming piece of literature, put together using input from varying sections of society. All talk about the same thing, the law of attraction. So what is the law of attraction?
The law of attraction is exactly what it says, a law that allows an individual to either attract the things he/she desires or repulse them. Throughout the book it is mentioned that the line that separates attraction or repulsion is very, very thin. It is very easy to focus on negative things, resulting in negative attraction. As human beings it is always easier to focus on the negative, believing it will rain or thinking that you won't get that job, as oppose to believing the opposite. Its an instinctual defence mechanism, if you believe the worst then when it happens you won't be disappointed.
There are many varying ideas on how to get the secret to work for you. Some are merely nonsense, but some will aid your effort into manifesting all your desires. The basics of the Secret are exactly that, basic, but people like Bob Proctor, a large contributor to the Secret, go further into the nuances of the secret. Hopefully showing those that read it, then follow some of the advice for a couple of weeks and when their desires don't appear they pass it off as another rubbish theory. The further reading available tries to address these issues so people aren't turned off and do follow through with the ideas presented.
The Power when released will hope to achieve the same thing, addressing some of the unanswered questions from The Secret. How it will achieve this nobody knows yet, but judging by the main thrust of criticism for The Secret revolved around its vagueness my guess would be that Rhonda Byrne will want to correct the criticism. If nothing else The Power should be an interesting read to how it addresses these issues. There are plenty of websites out there dedicated to helping you understand the law of attraction, Burt Goldman, Bob Proctor, to name a few. What is clear from all these is that the more information you have the better equipped you are to obtain your desires. With this in mind there is a fantastic product available that gives you another 40 or so e books and other things for one price. You can find it here

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